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Card reading with guidance

Card reading w/guidance

The reading will be personalised to your requirements and you will be choosing the cards (unless you require a written reading in which case I will establish a connection to your energy and I will choose the cards). This is so you are constantly in a position of empowerment 

and at the same time, in connection with your higher self - that inner wisdom which regularly communicates with us. I will then establish an intuitive link to each card and start "translating" what comes up for you. When done in person your reading will be dynamic and inclusive so that you can start seeing, recognising and acknowledging what is coming up to the surface, start putting all the pieces together and have a more complete picture of what you're asking about.


My method is to use Oracle cards as a tool to bring to the surface anything that can aid in understanding what you can do to help a particular situation based on the current energies.
This allows you to recognise what you can bring to the table, what actions you can take, approach an obstacle from an empowering point of view and shine a light on what's already within you but isn't immediately obvious or might be hidden from view.

You can then be in the driving seat rather than merely a passenger.

I support my readings with various resources such as journaling, meditation/visualisation, mindfulness.

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